Wheels of the Year
"In all chaos there is a cosmos,
in all disorder a secret order"
-Carl Jung
Wheels of the Year Shop
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The Decan Wheel
At the centre of the wheel are the four suits of the minor arcana. The Wheel represents the calendar year of 360 degrees.
Each quarter of the wheel is 90 degrees. The Ace and Page of each suit welcome messages and new beginnings in each quarter of the year. Each quarter of the year is a season.
Each quarter of the year has three Astrological signs for the four seasons. So each astrological sign is 30 degrees of the whole. Each sign also has it's own Major Arcana card.
Let's also add the planets which rule each astrological constellation. They also have their own Major Arcana. Therefore, Scorpio is ruled by Pluto. Scorpio's card is Death (renewal) and Pluto's major arcana is Judgement.
The Court Cards are also situated at 30 degrees. However, they do not directly align with the stars- there is a 10 degree and 20 degree overlap. For example, Scorpio has 10 degrees situated by the King of Wands and 20 degrees of the Knight of Cups.
If I have not lost you yet, this is the exciting bit- the reason it is called a Decan Wheel. Each 30 degree star sign is further broken into 3 segments of 10 degrees each. These 36 segments are called decans, or decanates. Therefore, each decan has a minor arcana. It also means that there are three sections to each sign.
Yep, here is the Decan Wheel in one place. To get back to the three segments of each sign- my sister are both Virgos but VERY different. Not just our Rising and Moon effects, but I am born in the mid-decanate, whilst my sister is born in the final decanate of Virgo- we are different for a reason.
So, here is the Decan Wheel. Remember it is a calendar- so this is 3 months- 3 star signs with:
1 planet per sign (with it's own Major Arcana)
2 court cards per sign ( one with 20 degrees and the other at 10 degrees)
3 decans per star sign
Ace and Page of the dominant suit of the season.
They also have their own Major Arcana
This is the first quarter of the wheel as a chart. Aries is the first house of the Zodiac and was the original New Year before the Calendar changed.
The second quarter. (moving in an anti-clockwise direction)
The third quarter- note the seasons at the bottom, because as an Antipodean we have the opposite so I have put both to keep it fair.
The final quarter